Asset Performance Management
Asset Performance Management & AI Insights
Asset management and optimization for wind, solar, and energy storage portfolios.

Realize the full potential of your assets
Our Asset Performance Management and AI Insights solutions enable a proactive approach to asset health management, helping you pinpoint problem areas and ensure optimal portfolio performance. Gain a competitive edge with AI Insights' advanced analysis for diagnostic, preventative, and predictive use cases.
Leveraging trustworthy data, intuitive dashboards, and analytical tools, we aggregate data from a wide variety of sources into one place, empowering you with trusted information, and AI-powered insights to help you achieve your financial and operational objectives.
Transform your business with AI Insights

Comprehensive analysis
AI Insights uses the largest renewables dataset of cleaned and meticulously prepared data, enabling comprehensive and accurate analysis, benchmarking, and AI-driven decision making.

Proactive insights
AI Insights delivers timely, automatic, and tailored insights to your specific business needs, empowering proactive decision-making with highly relevant, contextual, actionable information.

Workflow integration
AI Insights integrates contextual analytics directly into workflows, seamlessly incorporating insights into daily operations to enhance productivity and efficiency.
Asset Performance Management
One integrated solution
Get clean, trustworthy data from all your assets in one place. Our APM solutions ingest asset data from over 400 interfaces, connecting to site-level PLCs, HMIs, or SCADA systems. Plus, they integrate seamlessly with your other business applications, including financial systems, field service management systems, market pricing data, market weather data and more for comprehensive, streamlined operations.

Asset hierarchies

Role-based dashboards

Event management

Reports & data warehouse

Performance analytics

Data cleaning

What our customers are saying
End-to-end solutions across the entire asset lifecycle
industry experts
+ GW
managed renewable assets
global customers